The summer is one of my favorite times, and it’s also fun to sew for. I knew this stack of pretty fabric had to be turned into baby clothes, the colors are perfect for summer. I picked them all out without realized the color scheme was very green and pink! I guess those are great summer colors.

On with the tutorial! This baby top/dress pattern is super simple. I started with the idea of having gathered straps. The straps have elastic in them, which bunches up the fabric and also makes them really easy to slip on. Because this top/dress fits loosely , it will fit for a while, hopefully all summer. I’m guessing it will fit a 3-9 month size range.

-pdf pattern (size 3-6+ months, download below) or purchase more sizes HERE!
-1/2 yard fabric
-10″ of one inch elastic, cut into two 5″ pieces



First cut 4 bodice pieces from the free pattern. You’ll also need 2 strap pieces (10″ by 3″) and 1 skirt piece (7″ by 44″ for a top, 10″ by 44″ for a dress).

To make the straps, sew each rectangle into a tube. Turn and thread elastic through using a safety pin. Pin at each end and sew the elastic in place.

Pin elastic straps 3/8″ in from the top of the bodice. Pin and baste. Then stack a second bodice piece over the first, right side facing down. Pin and sew the top edge and underarm edges. Trim seam allowance and turn. Then sew the other ends of the straps to the back bodice the same way. Sew side seams.

Gather the skirt using a baste stitch or a ruffler foot. You can also choose to pleat it. Sew up side seam.

Attach to the bodice by pinning right sides together.

Hem the bottom edge and you’re done! I added a little pocket to this one.